Thursday, 22 July 2010

How A Scanning Service Can Save Your Old Photos, Prints and Negatives

Did you know it takes an average of only 12 years for color print photos to begin to fade and change color? While light will accelerate the effects, even if your photos, 35mm slides and negatives are stored in the dark, over time chemical reactions will cause the color can break down and they may develop a yellow haze and shift color. The solution to saving your images is to scan them. However, scanning alone will only digitize them in their current condition. If your images have already started deteriorating, they will need to be repaired as well. In the last few years a number of photo scanning services have cropped up, making the tedious task of scanning and repairing much easier.

Scan and Repair Photos, Slides and Negatives

A photo, negative and slide scanning service will typically remove dust and minor smudges, scan all your images into digital format and then correct the color and repair minor scratches. Some will even remove redeye. A good scanning company will produce high quality scans, with good color, contrast and sharpness. Your scanned and repaired images will be burned to DVD in jpeg format and shipped to you along with your originals. Some scanning companies will even make your images available for viewing online, where you can organize them into folders, share them and order prints and enlargements.

Scanned Images Burned to DVD

While you can certainly scan your printed photos, slides and negatives yourself, scanning is an extremely time-consuming process, and it can be expensive if you need to buy a flatbed slide and negative scanner. The image repair process is also tedious; if your images need to be corrected for scratches and color shift, you need to have the proper imaging software and the skill to make the corrections. Using a professional scanning service will save you much time and money.

A Scanning Service Can Save You Time and Money

Don't risk losing your precious memories. Scanning is the best way to preserve your photos so you and future generations can enjoy them forever.

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